There are 10 cards in this activity, and students can begin on any number, complete the task, find the answer on another card posted in the room, and repeat until they are back where they started. The trick to creating any scavenger hunt is to make sure there are no breaks in the cycle. I've actually had my students do one and they only got to 3 problems before it looped back to their starting point 😒
Nothing fancy with this activity, but it did allow my students to practice distinguishing between sampling proportions and sampling means. There were some good discussions on why we can use a normal distribution even if the population is non-normal. It was also a great time for them to get extra practice solving these problems.
Because my class is size 30 and there are only 10 cards, I made two sets of them with two different colors. I assigned each pair of students a color and they were to only look for answers on that color. This helps with keeping the students a little more spread out and dog-earring other pairs.
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