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Showing posts from February, 2020

Functions: Translations and Piecewise Desmos Activity

I had a blast today teaching piecewise functions in NC Math 3; and that sounds crazy.  I used the Desmos activity Randi Metz created as my intro/discovery lesson and moved right in to using Desmos to graph "MATH" using translations with piecewise functions. Wow, they were all engaged the entire class. They also really amazed me because this is only the sixth day of the semester and not one kiddo said "I can't do this" or "math is too hard". They just graphed their little hearts out! I snipped several of my favorites. As you can see, they were not perfect, but it was awesome being able to watch them get creative! Feel free to use these with your students, I highly suggest doing the discovery lesson first- it will make your teaching life so much easier! Piecewise Intro/Discovery Graph "MATH" Using Translations and Piecewise Functions ~ssb

Transformation Drag & Drop

Now that Math 3 is an EOC and online, I need to show students different aspects other than multiple choice. So, I created this drag and drop to allow students to practice transformations.  While this took hours to create, it only took the students about 20 minutes to complete. I used this as an exit slip at the end of the lesson. The basic transformations were fine, but some students struggled with equations with a vertical compression/stretch. Since the kids can use desmos on the final exam, I really wanted them to use the Desmos calculator to check their answers. Some did, some did not! :(  I forced a copy and shared it with my students through email. The students completed the task and shared their slides with me. As for feedback, it was really easy for me to comment on each slide when I noticed that students were making mistakes.  I made this for an honors course, but I'm sure that you can use it for an on-level class as well (especially if you allow them to use De