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Aurasma (HP Reveal): Sampling Techniques

Our district encourages teachers to try new things. They offer Digital Teaching and Learning Awesome Badges. Teachers learn about new digital teaching techniques while earning CEU credit. Teachers can also show off their earned badges on their web-page and email signature. At our school, we even have a competition between departments to see who can win the most badges. My colleague, SSB, and I have the most from the math department. We are in a close battle with the English department! We must win!!!! šŸ˜

My next conquest is the Aurasma (now HP Reveal) Badge. My AFM class just started a new lesson on surveys and sampling techniques. I typically just go through each technique using my PowerPoint presentation, and students copy the notes down on their guided notes. I thought this would be a great time to try HP Reveal and earn a badge - I can get my students to watch videos and then complete the notes on their own. 

I searched for aurasma online tutorials and thought they were very helpful when learning the program. I created an "aura" for each sampling technique. I posted the trigger photos around the room. Students used iPads and the HP reveal app to look at the auras. Each overlay aura was a YouTube video explaining the sampling technique. I then had students fill out the student sheet - which asked for a definition in their own words, an example, and a drawing that represented the technique.

As for the auras - my phone worked great because I was logged into my account. When I tried it with SSB's phone, the videos wouldn't work. I tried sharing my auras with her, but that didn't work either (or I couldn't figure it out) I finally decided to let each student login to my account. Don't worry...I created a generic password! Unfortunately, if you use my example, you will not be able to see the auras. I would suggest making your own if you like the idea. 

Some students excelled at this activity - some did not. Some definitions were very detailed - some were not. I just hope that they at least took something from this activity since we will be conducting our own survey using a sample technique of their choice later in the Unit. 

When making these auras, I was SO excited. I thought that my class would be in awe of this cool new technology. I mean...a video pops up from a word document hanging on the wall. How can this not be the coolest thing ever? Well, my class was not amused. They pretty much complained the entire time. The complaints were mainly about having to hold the iPad up the entire time, no pause or play options, the video would start over if the iPad moved away from the trigger photo, and the list goes on. I just heard a bunch of whining.

Even though the students complained, I always like trying new things, and I thought it was meaningful. Since I only tried it with one class, it may be the students, the 7 AM start time, or the time of the year. (Spring break is next week!) I will definitely try it again next year.  

Back to the Badges: 
If your county does something like this...I encourage you to try it! If not, I would request that they start! As teachers, our job is to create the best learning environment for our students. Plus, we believe in learning...I mean that's why we are teachers...and educators can always learn and improve their practice. 



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