Because I do so many activities in class, my students have gotten in the habit of asking, "What are we going to do today?". And not in the annoying teenage/eye-roll fashion, but in the I'm pretty excited about coming to math class fashion. But they weren't always this way. Trust me, I begin on day 1 doing some sort of an activity in all of my classes. I want them to know that I expect all students to be engaged 100% during class time. Unfortunately, most of my learners did not get this excitement (that's what I'm calling it anyway) in their previous math classes.
Back to today... my Desmos activity. I created this based solely on graphing trig functions with a unit circle review tucked in at the end. The trig functions do not have phase shift included- that is saved for Math 4, but include amplitude, period, and vertical shift.
The students had a great time completing this task! I had them paired up, but they were not limited to discussion with only their partner. Students could help peers in other groups; and they did. It was amazing to watch the community of learners have rich conversations about math 😊
If you are interested in trying this Desmos activity in your classroom, feel free to click here.
I hope your students have as much fun as mine did!
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