Since limits lead us right into derivatives. I thought it would be fun to create a breakout centered around obtaining a "deriver's" permit. The students really got into it and wanted me to actually print out their permit to keep with them all year! Later in the year, I have a physical breakout where the kids can earn their actual deriver's license.
If you want to check it out - click: Limit Breakout (I haven't updated to the new Google Sites yet, but plan to next year!)
Just remember that if you use the link above with your students - I will get the responses. I have included all of the documents and copies of the forms that I used below in case you want to create your website with the same material. (If you need help creating the forms, just let me know.)
Check out the notes portion first and play around with mine...then you can see how it was set up. You should be able to add the folder to your drive and make it all yours by making a copy.
Teacher Notes
Google folder containing all of the materials
You can always use the materials without the breakout too!
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