Today was the first day back for our kids from Hurricane Florence, so what should we do? All of the students were affected by the storm and some lost their entire home. I really needed to keep today fairly light... but true to my form, I couldn't just do nothing! Let's try a FRAPPY! (Free Response Advanced Placement Problem, Yay!). But I wanted a twist on the traditional version.
Low and behold, it hit me like a freight train: Gallery Walk. I met an AP Statistics teacher at the Reading a few years ago and he told me how he and a colleague received grants to have white boards line all walls in their classrooms. This way, students can work in their space and others can easily view their products and discuss. Genius. Of course, I did not get a grant- I haven't even tried- but I do have individual white boards for my students to use.
Here's how it went down...
Because we're in the Experimental Design Unit, I chose to use the released problem #3 from the 2016 AP Exam. Personally, I retype the problems into a Google Doc so they're pretty (don't judge- and no, I don't have more time than you!) and easy to share. While the students were working on this task, I sent them this file which contains the problem itself and the rubric.
Once time was called, the kiddos placed their white boards around the room (no names) on the tray of the big white boards and then made a copy of the document onto their Google Drives using iPads (easier than a laptop to carry around for reference). I gave them a training session, then off they went with a partner grading the work of their peers. They gave each section an E, P, or I and then a final score.
Finally, we discussed the range of scores individual problems had. Some people gave one problem a 2 while others gave it a 4. We were able to really talk about why certain scores were good and others weren't. Most of the time, they were too high- one pair gave all problems they read a 4 😕
I will try this again in the future- and not just with FRAPPYs. Gallery Walks Rock!
Here's how it went down...
Because we're in the Experimental Design Unit, I chose to use the released problem #3 from the 2016 AP Exam. Personally, I retype the problems into a Google Doc so they're pretty (don't judge- and no, I don't have more time than you!) and easy to share. While the students were working on this task, I sent them this file which contains the problem itself and the rubric.
Once time was called, the kiddos placed their white boards around the room (no names) on the tray of the big white boards and then made a copy of the document onto their Google Drives using iPads (easier than a laptop to carry around for reference). I gave them a training session, then off they went with a partner grading the work of their peers. They gave each section an E, P, or I and then a final score.
Finally, we discussed the range of scores individual problems had. Some people gave one problem a 2 while others gave it a 4. We were able to really talk about why certain scores were good and others weren't. Most of the time, they were too high- one pair gave all problems they read a 4 😕
I will try this again in the future- and not just with FRAPPYs. Gallery Walks Rock!
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