If you're at all like me, when parametric functions were introduced into the Pre-Calculus curriculum, I was like "whut?" At no point in my educational career (and trust me, I was in school longer than the average bear) did I remember ever learning this topic. Thankfully, Google was there to guide me. Over the years, I've become more comfortable teaching parametric functions and because of this, I've been able to grow my activity repertoire.
If you want to make a copy of the activity document, click here. Included are the stations, answer choices to be eliminated, and a work space for students. The first sheet of the document just has all of the problems in one location... for those worksheet type of folks.
I print out the stations on card stock and post them around the room. Students will move from station to station at their own pace. I've found that if I time them, some get anxious and cannot concentrate as well. Of course, the timer drives my teaching neighbor crazy, so that's fun too. Each card has a couple of tasks to perform and once they match their answer on the answer sheet, they mark it out- eliminating one person, place, or thing.
I hope you found this somewhat helpful!
~RJ and SSB
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