I noticed that my students were great at solving exponentials and logs when they were grouped together with like equations. However, once I gave mixed practice, students were struggling! A student suggested last week that we should play Bingo for review. Since I have an intern and plenty of time, I created exactly that - Exp/Log Bingo. Knowing that this wouldn't take the whole class period, I still had my typical PowerPoint review ready for when we finished. However, students wanted to keep playing! I was planning to create 30 different Bingo cards using Word, but then I found this website . This saved soooo much time. As for the questions, I made the small pink cards that are pictured above. I picked the questions randomly and placed them under the document camera. The students had about 2-3 minutes per question, and I walked around helping those that needed more assistance. When creating the cards, I placed answers on the back because I knew it would help whe...