The 2020-2021 School year was a mess! Our district started as remote, moved to AA/BB day Hybrid in October, and then open to all in April. This basically meant that students could come F2F full time, F2F part time, or remain remote. They could also decide any morning which option they were feeling. Needless to say, it was crazy! Because of all the craziness, I was not able to keep up with this blog very often. Therefore, I decided to put all of the new and (hopefully) improved activities we did in Precalculus in this one post. Everything on this page is workable for all of the student options mentioned above. Applications of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (Drag and Drop) Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Recap (Sum of Three Activity) Key Features of Polynomial Functions (Desmos Activity) Sinusoidal Modeling Clue (Drag and Drop) Trig Identities: Escape the Building (SlidesMania) Circle Trig Recap (Deck.Toys) Right Triangle Trig Applications (Drag and Drop) Ambiguou...